***Enter the Mind Flipping Contest!! See Ep 50 for details!!!***


Did you know that your gut health is an important indicator of your overall health?


Join today as I discuss mind flipping strategies, functional medicine, competitive weightlifting, and chiropractic medicine with expert Dr. Paul Ralston! Beyond competitive weightlifting, Dr. Paul Ralston offers health and fitness strategies that you can use tomorrow to improve your overall health and flip your mindset today! We will discuss what functional medicine is and how looking at the root cause of health issues may help to improve the overall quality of your health for a happier, healthier YOU!


This episode is for informational purposes only. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.


Don’t forget to continue the conversation on the Mind Flipping Facebook group! Rick loves to hear from his listeners.


Show Notes:

How Dr. Paul Ralston got into competitive weight lifting (4:56) What Dr. Paul Ralston realized he struggled with in weight lifting and something he was good at (8:47) An advantage of being an “old man” who still competes with weights (11:14) Lessons that helped Dr. Paul Ralston flip his mind with weights (12:31) Words of encouragement that Dr. Ralston tells himself when he doesn’t want to work out in order to flip his own mindset and how it applies to other things that you just don’t want to do. (13:00) How Dr. Ralston gets past his own fear and anxiety while working out or competing in weight lifting and how he transfers this skill to his patients. (16:51) What functional medicine is and how it can help patients work through their issues or problems (18:20) How functional medicine allows you to take control of your symptoms by addressing the root cause (20:04) Why it is important to flip, or retrain, your mind while addressing symptoms (22:12) Shifting from a symptom-model to a root-cause model, or functional medicine model (22:49) Professional mind flipping stories from real patients (25:08) Why simply avoiding a task doesn’t usually help a situation and how to flip your mind to avoid “avoidance”  (27:08) The spackle round begins with the word or phrase of the day! (28:14) Something that Dr. Paul agrees with as the root of your overall health (29:08) A common belief in Dr. Paul Ralston’s field of chiropractic medicine that he disagrees with (32:37) Something in the fitness world that Dr. Paul Ralston no longer believes is true (35:17) Practical advice and a strategy to work on your fitness, diet, and overall health (37:35) Things that Dr. Paul Ralston struggles with in his life and strategies that he implements to flip his mind and reset (41:51) A request Dr. Paul Ralston has for mind flipping listeners. (43:27)


Additional Resources from the Show:


Contact Dr. Paul Ralston with a message on his website today!


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If you want to continue to congratulate Rick,  you can send him an audio message, use the contact page HERE  or in connect with him in the Mind Flipping Facebook Group. Let’s keep the mind flipping conversation going, together!