After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis herself at age 22, Andrea Hanson began learning about mindset. Now, Andrea is coach for professional women with autoimmune disorders who want the success they had before getting sick.

Andrea shares the story of her diagnoses, the profound wisdom her father changed that started her journey to mindset coaching, how to communicate with your body, why hard work and action aren’t enough and gives listeners a Mind Flipping Tip to use RIGHT NOW.


Show Notes:

3:33 Andrea’s personal Mind Flipping Story: The Diagnosis

3:57 “This is just another brick in your backpack.” – Mr. Hanson

8:46 Making better choices

9:14 Andrea’s Professional Mind Flipping Story: From Finance to Mindset Coaching

10:20 Martha Beck

12:48 The importance of Mindset with Action

13:34 Client Mind Flipping Story: Putting Yourself First

16:30 Byron Katie

17:11 What is an auto immune disorder?

20:10 Andrea’s Book: Live Your Life Not Your Diagnosis

20:49 Finding balance

21:34 Andrea’s Book: Stop Carrying the Weight of Your MS

22:11 What is Positive Psychology and why is it useful?

24:35 The simple strategy you can use when you feel stuck

26:08 Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz

27:20 Andrea’s Word of the Day

28:17 The common belief her field with which Andrea disagrees

32:15 What Andrea believes, but no longer does

35:44 What’s on Andrea’s Get Out of Jail Free Card?

38:15 Andrea’s request for listeners (What are the top 5 awesome things you did this week?)

39:44 Get a FREE Discovery Call with Andrea!!!

                Email Andrea at [email protected]

                Be sure to put “The Mind Flipping Podcast” in the Subject line

For more information about Andrea, her books and her services, CLICK HERE.