Maggie Minsk is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the state of North Carolina and a National Certified Counselor (NCC). She is also a Certified Hypnotherapist (CHt) and Certified Instructor (CI) with the National Guild of Hypnotists (the largest and oldest hypnotherapy association), was trained by Captain M. Ron Eslinger, RN, CRNA, MA, APN, BCH, CMI, CI, FNGH with Healthy Visions and is trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).  

Maggie discusses the importance of doing your own research, the power self-hypnosis, and introduces us to the concepts of post-traumatic growth, pronoia and Human Givens. Plus, why common sense isn’t really sensible and the books you should be reading to flip your own mind.  


Show Notes:

3:19 Dr. Amir Raz

4:12 Maggie’s personal Mind Flipping Story: Being a smoking non-smoker

6:34 Client Mind Flipping Story: Stuck in Negative Hypnosis

8:36 From teacher to Mind Flipping

9:15 Many Lives Many Masters by Brian Weiss

10:09 Learned Optimism

10:43 “Hypnosis is an accelerant.” –Maggie Minsk

12:38 What self-sabotage really is

13:55 The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz

15:14 Human Givens & The Human Givens Institute

16:17 Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrell

16:39 SuperBetter by Jane McGonigal

18:29 “Hypnotize yourself or someone else will.”—Unknown

18:46 Bruce Lipton & Being in “the zone”

19:07 Mindfulness

19:46 The importance of mindset

20:41 Mind Flipping Moments: Learning new things

21:08 Maggie’s Word of the Day: Pronoia

21:48 Maggie’s Phrase of the Day: Post-traumatic Growth

23:06 Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

24:25 The common belief with which Maggie disagrees

26:56 Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

28:50 What Maggie always thought she’d be believe, but doesn’t anymore

29:54 Common sense isn’t always correct

30:45 Neuroplasticity

32:32 Episode with Art Giser & Energy work

33:27 Conscious vs. Subconscious mind

34:04 Maggie’s request for listeners: Learn for yourself to be fully engaged in life

35:20 The Flow State & Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

36:12 Get Maggie’s favorite hypnosis recording: CLICK HERE & check the Resources Menu

For more information about Maggie and her services, CLICK HERE.