Brandon Dean is a stage hypnotist, Consulting Hypnotist certified with the National Guild of Hypnotists, the founder of Red Chair Hypnosis, and a life coach offering boutique style services for consumers of his therapeutic private practice . 

Brandon discusses why he left the media industry to become practicing hypnotist and stage performer and why becoming entrepreneur was the ultimate Mind Flip for him. Find out why Brandon doesn’t like the term Life Coach, who his mentors were, when hypnosis really starts and how he copes with his own fears.   

This episode was recorded in Toronto, Canada.

Show Notes

3:20 Brandon’s hobby to career Mind Flipping story

4:08: Hypnosis training on the stage

4:58 Peter (and Tyrrone) Reveen

5:45 “Once you become a student of the mind, it just doesn’t stop.” –Mark Savard

5:58 Jason Linnett episode

6:17 The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

6:23 HypnoThoughts Live

7:24 “Every time a door a closes, a new door opens. They’re doors. That’s how they work”—Brandon Dean

7:30 Mind Flipping Moment: Stepping through fear

8:48 The Amazing Kreskin  

10:20 The Mind Your Business Podcast & The Entrepreneurial Spirit

12:07 Brandon’s Mind Flipping Story: Storytelling to The Power of Writing Your Own Story

13:45 James Hazlerig’s episode

14:29 Why Brandon doesn’t use the term ‘Life Coach’

14:40 Erickson’s International Coaching Program

14:58 Brandon’s list of services

16:18 Who is Milton Erickson?

19:02 Client Mind Flipping Story: Quit Smoking

20:15 When does Hypnosis start?

21:05 When does a client’s Mind Flipping start?

23:25 “Everyone has within them the resources they need to move forward.”—Brandon Dean

25:15 Success Rates

25:49 Brandon’s Phrase of the Day: Step Through Fear

26:30 Wade Lightheart’s episode

29:42 The common belief in his field with which Brandon disagrees

32:55 What scares Brandon?

35:00 Rick’s episode (#20)

37:25 Something Brandon always thought he’d believe, but doesn’t anymore

38:25 Mind Flipping for smarter, more enjoyable work

39:45 Brandon’s request for listeners: Be his guest at one of his shows in the Toronto area

For more information about Brandon and his services, CLICK HERE for his private practice and CLICK HERE for his smoking cessation info. CLICK HERE to connect with Brandon on Facebook.