How one meditation led 22-year-old Ziad on a journey to create a map of reality that has turned seekers in manifesters with a purpose. What are the traps of the mind and how can you get truly get the things you need. 


“...I am this infinite consciousness that is choosing to temporarily experience myself as this character....”


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Who is Ziad? 

Ziad Masri is an author and entrepreneur who has taken the road less traveled. Driven early in life by the seemingly conflicting desires of worldly success and deep spiritual fulfillment, he set out on a 15-year journey of self-discovery. During this period he achieved business success while continually exploring ancient spirituality, non-mainstream science, and mystical practices to find the deeper meaning of life and the universe. Emerging with a profound understanding of the hidden truths of reality, he is now on a mission to help people transform their lives—and the world—by guiding them to rise above their limited sense of self to live a deeply meaningful and awakened life.


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How did Ziad came to write Reality Unveiled

It’s hard to articulate an enlightening experience (10:02)

The dark night of the soul

The shift that this new reality creates (13:54)

How it manifests abundance

You attract what you really need (16:34)

The traps of the mind

What happens in states of Joy and Peace? 

Why Ziad wrote a book? (20:24)

How the book creates a map of reality

The story of a seeker (23:49)

The versions of you (26:06)

Reflections (30:02)


Resources from this Episode: Ziads’s Links: Reality Unvieled | | YouTube Channel Reality Unveiled on Amazon Edith Unbunu Chan Episode Episode 110- Happiness, Peace & Optimism Rick on Twitter & Instagram Rick on YouTube


If you would like to contact Rick, you can send him an audio message, use the contact page HERE  or connect with him in the Mind Flipping Facebook Group. Let’s keep the mind flipping conversation going, together! 

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