“The thing we have control over is our belief system.”

In the time of COVID-19, how can you release fear, anxiety and judgement? How can you reinvent yourself  to manifest the life you desire when the world feels upside-down?  

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Highlights: Gary’s journey to now When control isn’t working (7:01) The common story of reinvention after 2008 (16:20) Breaking down what happens when we have negative emotions (19:53) Thinking about Coronavirus as victim or creator (23:37) Conscious Capitalism (29:23) The latest Joshua Teachings An positive shift and ending of limiting beliefs (33:13) What we can learn from young people Finding yourself through life’s trials Resources from this Episode: Gary’s Website Joshua Live & The Law of Attraction Roundtable Connect with Gary on…Twitter, Instagram & Facebook  The Law of Attraction Esther Hicks Episode with Stephanie Conkle Conscious Capitalism Coronavirus Video from Joshua Teachings Rick on Twitter & Instagram Rick on YouTube

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