Show notes:


02:45:Hypnosis to quit smoking, fear of flying, staying healthy

05:04: Autogenic Training

09:21: Mindfulness

10:45: Coaching

14:49: Lucy from Peanuts and Dear Abby

15:57: Hypnosis for erectile dysfunction

17:06: How throat surgery and hypnosis helped him learn Chinese

18:42: Word of the day:Jiayou

19:35: Common belief he disagrees with: Regression is necessary

20:24: The great Master Oogway

22:56: Efficacy of hypnosis

23:35:ACT Therapy and hypnosis

27:14: C.S. Lewis’ 4 Types of Love

30:09:Richard receives a Major Award


Dr. Richard K. Nongard is a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified clinical hypnotherapist in private practice. He has degrees in both counseling and ministry; and a doctorate in transformational leadership (cultural transformation) from Bakke Graduate University in Seattle.  Dr. Richard Nongard is an innovative leader in the field of psychotherapy, contextual psychology and clinical hypnotherapy, and over the last 25 years he has trained thousands of professionals including medical doctors, psychologists,social workers, family therapists and professional counselors in ways to do a better job serving their clients. 

Dr. Nongard’s Private Practice Hypnosis Nevada

Dr. Nongard and Rick are co-presenters at the 2018 Virtual Hypnosis Convention.

Learn from experts in the field of hypnosis from the comfort of your home.

Rick’s Hypnosis Certification classes are at

Dr. Nongards training and product website Subliminal Science.