Credit is a daily issue for many people. People use credit for buying a house, or a car or furniture or even lawn mowers. But sometimes people get in over their head with credit and don’t know how to fix their situation. It can be difficult to navigate the companies advertising that they’ll help you fix your credit. How do you know what it costs or which ones are reputable?

Today my guest, Barry Coleman for NFCC is here to break it all down.  Barry is Vice President of the Counseling and Education programs at the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC), he and his team are responsible for the development and implementation of financial counseling and education programs that NFCC members deliver to consumers.  

In this episode, Barry shares some valuable resources and advice for people that need a little guidance with their credit problems.

Also in this episode:

What is NFCC? Resources to help people with their credit Who can use the resources Military specific resources The costs of help What to know about debt consolidation What to know about bankruptcy counseling

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