If you need or want FREE help improving your financial situation, it’s out there. All you have to do it find it. Whether it’s planning for your retirement or getting out of debt or just learning how to save better.

My guest today is going to help you find that free help even faster. Here to discuss free resources to improve your financial education is Brent Neiser, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships and Alliances for the National Endowment for Financial Education® (NEFE®). He is also on the consumer advisory board for the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau (CFPB).

This episode was recorded live at NEFE’s offices in Denver CO. In full disclosure, the audio for Brent is less than perfect due to operator error. And that operator was yours truly! Apparently, in all the excitement of the live recording, I didn’t turn on the correct microphone so heads up.

Don’t worry, even though I was LIVE, I still have a special Game Time guest, you’ll have to listen and find out who it is.

In this episode we discuss:

What’s NEFE? The financial education resources that NEFE provides Financial calculators for retirement and planning The High School Financial Planning Program The latest in NEFE research and what it can do to help you How will the research be turned into reality or used?

Podcast Links

NEFE The Artist’s Way

Special Thank You

A special thank you to my Game Time guest, Bethany Bayless from The Money Milhouse Podcast and the MC for FINCON 2019.

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I appreciate your review of Military Money Movement Podcast on iTunes, Google Play, TuneIn, iHeart Radio and Stitcher. It helps me make this podcast better and better. Plus it helps other people find the show.


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