Saving money can be difficult for many people. Often we all need a little inspiration or just a kick in the pant to start the process of saving money. My guest today has a resource that can help you jump start your savings goals. That resource is Military Saves Week.

Military Saves is part of the nonprofit America Saves and a partner in the Department of Defense’s Financial Readiness Campaign. The whole goal is to motivate, support, and encourage military families to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth.

My guest, Alecia Blair is a fellow Accredited Financial Counselor and military spouse. As a spouse of an active-duty Army soldier, Alecia understands the challenges of military life and believes deeply in the mission of Military Saves to help service members and their families save money. We have a great discussion about the struggles of saving money in the military community and some tips to start saving money.

In this episode:

What military saves week is and how it can help you Reasons why the military community should participate How to participate Tips to stay motivated to save Tools to help you save

Podcast Links

Military Saves How Long it Takes to Form a New Habit The Great Gatsby Leanne Moriarty

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