You need credit to start building credit. If it sounds confusing, that’s because it is. How do you build credit if you can’t get credit because you don’t have credit? Yes, even more confusing. But the answer just might be, Self Lender.

Today my guest is Brett Billick, the Chief Marketing Officer from Self Lender. Brett and the team at Self Lender were kind enough to have me visit their offices in Austin, TX to record this episode live and in person.

In this episode, Brett breaks down exactly who Self Lender is, what they do and how they can help you either build or rebuild your credit.

Please stick around for What’s on Lacey’s Mind. Today I’m talking about something that surprised me about the military. It even surprised my What’s on Lacey’s Mind guest. It’s was a shocker that neither of us knew an important fact about retiring from the military.

In this episode:

What a credit score is and what goes into your score What is Self Lender and how it helps build or rebuild your credit The common problems or barriers to building credit The costs of using a self-builder loan The time requirements The ins and outs of how Self Lender works to help your credit

Podcast Links

Self Lender Christopher Moore Coach by Michael Lewis Retirees Can Be Court-Martialed for Crimes Committed After Service

Special Thank You

A special thank you to Kate Horrell for coming on for What’s on Lacey’s Mind.

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