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Midnight Resistance

100 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 7 years ago - ★★★★ - 6 ratings

Hello, we're Midnight Resistance and we love you very much.

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Podcast #055 - Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Special

March 08, 2015 18:32 - 73.6 MB

HIYA. So, we did the inevitable and recorded an episode that is almost entirely about the superb Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on the 3DS, and in order to make it not-shit, we called in Joe Skrebels and Dan Maher to help. If you don't like Monster Hunter, you're an idiot, but we did a quick What We've Been Playing at the start where we talk about The Order, Life Is Strange, and some other guff. CHEERS!

Podcast #054 - No Theme

February 05, 2015 18:16 - 59.5 MB

HELLO very brief blurb for this one so that it goes up in a timely manner and you don't have to wait until bloody next week. THIS EPISODE: it was a huge honour to have Paul Rose as a guest. This website probably wouldn't exist without him, and we parted ways amid the collapse of an entire internet community, so having him on the show was basically wonderful. Also I still haven't bothered to steal any Midnight Resistance music off youtube since I reformatted my PC over Christmas so this epi...

Podcast #053 - No Use Crying

January 09, 2015 18:13 - 60.7 MB

Hiya! We decided to try and settle back into a routine with a normal-as-heck episode. Andi and I hassle a terrified guest into talking about what games they've played recently and then we answer some questions. The guest is the tremendous Andrew Smith of Spilt Milk Studios, who you might know from the excellent games he has made or, less likely, from his guest appearance on our E3 2014 stream. He disappeared towards the end of the episode due to dodgy internet, but we'll surely have him ba...

Podcast #052 - Style & Ease

December 07, 2014 22:44 - 62.5 MB

HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED LISTENING TO A PODCAST ABOUT VIDEOGAMES WELL BOY HAVE WE GOT ONE OF THOSE FOR YOU GAMS: - Dragon Age: Inquisition - Far Cry 4 - Destiny (specifically, the raid) - Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Shovel Knight - Hyrule Warriors - The Sailor's Dream (I call it A Sailor's Dream in the show, soz) - Alien: Isolation - the first lot of Mario Kart 8 DLC - Bayonetta 2 Hopefully we'll piss a #DOGCEMBER episode up your leg soon, then we'll give ourselves a bit of time off...

Podcast #051 - Destiny Special

November 27, 2014 22:39 - 127 MB

Guys! Guys. For better or worse, Destiny is one of the biggest releases this year and Owen and I won't fucking shut up about it, and neither will Sean Bamberger, so we thought we'd better lock ourselves in a virtual Skype-room until every single thought we've had about Bungie's clumsy, dour MMOFPS had been safely jettisoned from our minds. The results of this process are now available for you to download and 'enjoy'. Do that! Episode 52 is already recorded but apparently I have to go on fuc...

Podcast #050 - MIRRORDAD

November 09, 2014 22:20 - 105 MB

WOOF. It's episode 50, which is like a birthday or something. To celebrate, we got David Turners to do an episode with us. Also Sam White is there. It's a 'what we've been playing' episode and I can't remember a single bloody thing about it because Sam took a million fucking years sending me his audio. But do watch out for the several bits where Turners' microphone fucked up and I had to improvise a bit with the edit. Also the episode name is a reference to a thing Turners told us about wh...

Podcast #049 - Not 48

October 28, 2014 22:15 - 70.3 MB

Hello here is an episode of the podcast that I say is episode 48 when it clearly bloody isn't. Someone give me a job in radio. It's a questions episode, guest-starring the brilliant Official Xbox Mag writer Kate Gray. She talks about fanfic a lot. I've scanned through it in the edit and there's some talk about Ghost Squad and Dynasty Warriors, so our usual listeners will be well-served. Next episode is already in the can, awaiting an edit. A lot of you will be very pleased when you find ou...

Podcast #048 - Blast From The Past

October 20, 2014 21:10 - 94.6 MB

HELLO I've not put an image on this one because honestly what is the bloody point. This episode is one that we recorded literally over a month ago, then Andi's laptop shat itself and then EGX happened but now he's recovered his audio and sent it to me and now you can listen to a show about videogames from literally around 30 days ago. Some of those games are: - Battlefield 4 - Hearthstone - Hohokum - 80 Days - Dead Rising 3 - Wolfenstein: The New Order - Ni No Kuni You might notice that w...

Podcast #047 - EGX 2014, Part 2

September 30, 2014 21:00 - 53 MB

Hiya! Here is part two of our EGX round-up where we talk about some NEW GAMES and also some GAMES WE TALKED ABOUT BEFORE but we talk about them differently this time. In particular, give this a listen is you were upset by Andi saying that Hotline Miami 2 and Far Cry 4 seemed a bit shite, because it now turns out they aren't at all. Again, huge thanks to everyone who came to our stupid gathering on Saturday. We had an amazing time and the idea that we can comfortably fill an upstairs room in...

Podcast #046 - EGX 2014, Part 1

September 26, 2014 20:56 - 79.8 MB

Hello! Sean and Andi have recorded a special edition of the podcast at Eurogams (or EGX, as we're told to call it now) with guests Chris Spann and Laura Rich from the Recycle Bin podcast. I'm still listening to it myself, but so far there's been some good discussion about the M6 toll road being better value for money than playing OutRun 2 in the arcade, and Andi describing his first ever Oculus Rift experience while riding around in a lukewarm horse racing game. Oh, and now they're talking...

Podcast #045 - Question Everything

August 31, 2014 20:49 - 123 MB

HELLO here is the questions special you've maybe been waiting for. We're going to try and do things a bit differently from now on - each episode will either be all about shit we've been playing, or questions. Doing both in an episode was just causing us to cut stuff short all the time, so we're gonna try this out and see how it goes. FEEDBACK WELCOMED, except in the form of anonymous snarky shit on ask.fm Ta!

Podcast #044 - Mario Kart 8

August 20, 2014 20:28 - 86.3 MB

HELLO this episode we talk loads about Mario Kart 8 because it's ace, then we answer questions. We are joined by professional photographer Gary Dutton and professional cunt Sam White

Podcast #043 - Destiny's Mild

July 30, 2014 20:21 - 79.2 MB

Hello! We talk about Destiny a lot in this one, as well as other games too I guess. Also we are joined by Laura Rich, please listen to find out what happens when she eats crisps. It's magnificent. We're recording again TOMORROW NIGHT I think, so get your Scram Kitty competition entries in before then or you've fucked it. Cheers! 

Podcast #042 - Burger Kings

July 12, 2014 20:15 - 92.4 MB

Hello here is an episode of the podcast wherein me and Andi talk about the following things: - games - food ALSO there is a competition to win a copy of the fucking brilliant Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails, which to be perfectly honest you should already own, but if you DON'T we may be able to sort you out. You'll have to listen to the episode to find out what you have to do to win it, though, because we want to test your dedication to the cause. Also it's a handy barometer of whether ...

Podcast #041b - E3 2014 Questions

July 11, 2014 20:11 - 41.9 MB


Podcast #041a - E3 2014, Part One

June 22, 2014 20:06 - 86.8 MB

HELLO. We recorded a show about this year's E3 and it ended up running for way too long, so we're splitting it into two episodes, to be released in relatively quick succession. This one is the one where we talk about the conferences themselves, and the questions bit will be uploaded on Tuesday probably. CHEERS 

Podcast #040 - Aim For The Sides, Gav

June 07, 2014 20:00 - 80.8 MB

HELLO. This week Gav Murphy is on the show and you can hear him do a wee. GAMES DISCUSSED: - The Last of Us - a load of Oculus Rift stuff - Scram Kitty And His Buddy On Rails - Gravity Rush - Wolfenstein: The New Order - probably others I CAN'T REMEMBER And then questions, obviously. See you on Monday, yeah? 

Podcast #039 - Leeroy Jenkins is a Cultural Artefact

May 23, 2014 19:56 - 94 MB

HELLO IT PODCAST TIME In this episode, Andi continues to try and justify his PS4 ownership with Infamous: Second Son and that new Spider-Man game, I talk about Dark Souls 2, Hearthstone and Phantasy Star Online 2 (SORRY) and Owen's been playing Oracle of Ages/Seasons again. We then do a NEWS bit about E3, then questions, although we didn't get time for many because we'd talking for too long and I was getting all sleepy. We'll make up for it soon, promise. Ta!

Podcast #038 - Pubcast #001

May 04, 2014 19:50 - 143 MB

HELLO. Bit of an experiment, this one. Owen was actually at my house for a few days, so instead of the usual Skype bollocks we thought we'd actually go out for lunch and record a podcast episode while we were at it. Things to watch out for include: - Background noise - An interesting shift from mono to stereo a few minutes in - CHAT about GAMES like Dark Souls 2, Trials Fusion, Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, Bravely Default and loads more probably The episode we recorded with Recycle Bin...

Podcast #037 - Zelda Special

April 20, 2014 19:34 - 99.9 MB

HELLO. Here is an episode in which I only appear briefly at the start and Andi takes the reins. Why? Because it's a bloody Zelda special and I'm ill-equipped to contribute meaningfully to such a thing. By which I mean I didn't really get on withOcarina of Time and there's no way you'll catch me actively defending that opinion in public. I'll tell you WHAT, though - Ross Foubister and the BitSocket lads do a fine a job instead. Between the lot of them, they spend over two hours discussing ev...

Podcast #036 - Dark Souls 2 is out.

March 22, 2014 20:06 - 140 MB

Guess which game we spend far too long audibly vibrating about this episode!!!!!!!!!! Also, these: - Titanfall - The Yawhg - Broken Age Then: - questions.   CHEERS. 

Podcast #035 - Overclocked

March 11, 2014 19:41 - 90.1 MB

Hiya. THIS podcast we managed to stop Guy Woodward staring into the abyss for two hours to talk about videogames with us. He was very ill, and so was I, so ENJOY THAT Games: - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 - Thief - TxK - OlliOlli - Guacamelee! - Out There And that is your LOT. Plus the questions. And Andi talking about his holiday in Berlin. Ta! 

Podcast #034 - Titanballs

February 24, 2014 19:35 - 108 MB

Hahahah Titanballs. Titanfail. Shite 'n' Balls. All funny things we could've called Titanfall if it wasn't utterly, utterly joyful. YES. Join us this episode as we piss our indie cred up the wall by enthusing for far too long about a game where you shoot men with a gun, but the twist is you also shoot robots with a gun AND THE TWIST IS SOMETIMES YOU ARE A ROBOT We also talk about these games, with gaming's answer to Louis Theroux, Thom Rosell: - Starbound - Order & Chaos Duels - Jazzpunk ...

Podcast #033 - Andis for Justice

February 12, 2014 19:28 - 122 MB

Welcome to our podcast, where Andi gets really upset about men being an oppressed minority. If you are new to the show: that is a JOKE. We also talk about games. THESE games: - literally everything on the Vita - Final Fantasy (aye, the first one. I don't fucking know) - Tomb Raider: Catching Up With The PC Version Edition - Don't Starve - Hearthstone - Skate 3 - Broken Age AND THEN questions. Enjoy.

Podcast #032 - True Lies

December 06, 2013 19:06 - 101 MB

This week, Emily Gera finally deigned to come on our shitty show and talk about fucking League of Legends. THANKS, Emily. Also: - League of Legends - League of Legends - Rocksmith 2014 - League of Legends - New consoles featuring both shooting AND driving - State of Decay - Bravely Default - League of Legends And then questions. Nothing about my first wank this week, but we'll try harder in future. Kiss!

Podcast #031 - #p1ss

November 26, 2013 18:57 - 77.6 MB

Woof! This episode we are joined by gaming journalism stalwart Andrew Kelly and boy howdy has he got some stuff to tell you about Silent Hill! Also: - EVE Online - More Wii Fit U - Bravely Default - SoulCalibur 2 HD - Risk of Rain (it's in the second bit, don't worry) Also: - QUESTIONS - Survivorman  Also: Listen out for the bit where I talk at length about how a Kickstarter for a new Earthworm Jim probably wouldn't fly because we're now all aware of what a wild jerk Doug TenNapel is ...

Podcast #030 - BOYS ONLY

November 15, 2013 18:37 - 64.1 MB

Hello! Today's episode is about videogames. Specifically: - Rayman: Fiesta Run - Wii Fit U And then we talk about my first wank, again. Enjoy that.

Podcast #029 - The Garathon

October 20, 2013 17:26 - 83.9 MB


Podcast #028 - Dave Mustaine's A Bellend

September 16, 2013 17:09 - 54.9 MB

HELLO PODCAST. This episode we are joined by Sean Bamberger and talk about videogames. Some of the videogames we talk about are: - Assassin's Creed 3 - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - Saint's Row 4 - MirrorMoon EP And probably others. Also: YOUR questions. Bye! x

Podcast #027 - "We're getting the band back together."

August 23, 2013 22:52 - 65.5 MB

DARKZERO PODCAST FANS REJOICE. Remember Ian Dickson? Before he sold out and actually got a career like a proper adult that meant he couldn't record with us any more? Well, he can now. So he did. We talk about videogames and SaltyBet and that for about two hours, then we stop. It's alright! 

Podcast #026 - Just 2 Guyz

August 01, 2013 22:45 - 92.9 MB

WORDS about GAMES. Sorry it's late. I had a night set aside for editing this over a week ago, then Andi forgot to send me his audio on time, then there was a flower show that fucked everything up. That's not a joke. This podcast was literally delayed by the occurrence of a flower show. Since it's been ages, we've forgotten entirely what we talked about. The one thing I can tell you is that there's no guest this week, because we wanted to see if we were shit on our own. LET US KNOW HOW THA...

Podcast #025 - Lovely Red Tie

July 01, 2013 22:40 - 80.3 MB

Hello! This episode features Sean McTiernan and contains mentions of the following: - the IRA - that Hotline Miami 2 trailer - the phrase 'people of colour' - videogames ENJOYYYYY. 

Podcast #024 - GAMETOWN

June 23, 2013 22:36 - 82.7 MB

HEYA sorry this one's a bit late. Although, for once, it's not entirely my fault. Listen to the start of the episode for the full explanation. This episode, we're joined by Solid Craig and J-Banger of BitSocket fame. We've been meaning to get them on for ages, but they're always working or fucking off to New York or something. We think they were worth the wait though, and we hope that you agree or else this whole thing has been a terrible waste of time. I spent so long editing this that I ...

Podcast #023 - "Apparently They're Fuckers!"

April 24, 2013 22:32 - 75.3 MB

THIS EPISODE IS ALMOST ENTIRELY ABOUT MONSTER HUNTER 3 ULTIMATE. If you've got absolutely no interest in it, maybe give this episode a miss. Or, don't! Because it might get you interested in Monster Hunter, and we got the brilliant Krystian Majewski ofTeamworkCast to help us out. I have literally nothing else to say about this episode because it is literally two hours of Monster Hunter stuff. CHEERS!

Podcast #022 - The Revengeneration Game

March 04, 2013 23:24 - 88.4 MB



February 03, 2013 23:20

oh my god video games This week we are joined by the powerful Cara Ellison who I won't say anything more about because her mum might read this. GAMES DISCUSSED: - SimCity - DotA 2 - Dark Souls - DmC - Happy Wars - Super Jumping Finn - Spaceteam Then, questions! This episode sounds a bit worse because we had to just record the Skype call instead of doing it properly. WHATEVER 

Podcast #020 - It Is Still Christmas

January 16, 2013 23:16 - 86.7 MB

It is. IT IS. Owen's here, guys! It's not often he returns from space to talk to us, so enjoy it while it lasts. Anyway, yeah, this was going to be our Christmas show, but it suffered some SCHEDULING ERRORS and now here it is, on the 16th of January. So it's still Christmas, right? I've still got a pack of Spekulatius in the cupboard and everything. GAMES DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE OF THE SHOW: - oh man I actually can't even remember and I only edited this yesterday - Metal Gear Solid: Pe...

Podcast #019 - #DCember

December 22, 2012 23:11 - 43.9 MB

This is our actual #DCember podcast episode where we talk about pretty much nothing but the Dreamcast, and to help us do that we got some help from the wildly brilliant Zoya Street. It seemed like the right thing to do, since she is currently in the process of writing a book about the Dreamcast which you should probably check out. The questions you lot sent in were largely brilliant, so we decided to just dive straight in with them. The alternative was having some ideas of our own of what t...

Podcast #018 - Corporate Schilling

December 12, 2012 23:00 - 87.2 MB

SHUCKS HOWDY, it's not often we get a brand new console to talk about, so it's really no surprise that we've managed to fill an entire podcast episode with stuff just about said new console. The Wii U is a thing that exists now, and we've taken it upon ourselves to tell you what we think about it for two excruciating hours that you are GUARANTEED to never ever get back! The good news is that there is a bit at the end about us sticking consoles up our arses. Your reward for making it through...

Podcast #017 - Racial Tensions

November 22, 2012 22:32 - 95.3 MB

THAT'S RIGHT BABY, you asked us nicely so we got fan-favourite Sean McTiernan back to talk about videogames even though he barely plays them. At one point he threatens to call an embassy. It's a good episode. There's a long spoiler-filled conversation about Hotline Miami, so consider avoiding that if you've not yet played the game. If you've not yet played Hotline Miami, consider doing so. It's amazing. Other games are discussed but they are LESS IMPORTANT. Then it is questions time. Ther...

Podcast #016 - The Yolk of Dishonesty

November 09, 2012 22:11 - 95 MB

THIS EPISODE we are joined by Dan Maher a.k.a. MrPointyHead, who is most famous for beating my score on Punch Quest like some kind of stupid jerk. We talk about THESE GAMES: - Punch Quest - Assassin's Creed 3 - Some other stuff possibly I can't remember Then we do questions. Due to a ludicrous technical hitch, some stuff is missing off the end. Sorry. We'll make up for it by making the next episode even longer than usual.  Haahahahahaha!

Podcast #015 - Egg Hat

November 01, 2012 22:05 - 98.8 MB

Aye. AYE. Limited synopsis for this one, as Andi decided to take a good week or so before sending his audio over, so the edit was a brief one. We are joined by childhood friend and OXM staff writer Matt Lees and he is PRETTY GOOD. He didn't even complain about your stupid fucking questions! Man, I can't even remember what games we talk about on this one. Borderlands 2, I think, and XCOM. And... others. ENJOY. OR DON'T

Podcast #014 - There's Stuff Up There

October 16, 2012 20:53 - 84.4 MB

HELLO this week myself and Andi are joined by long-time listener, first-time caller 'Crazy' Eddie Johnston. We talk about GAMES. Specifically THESE GAMES: - Borderlands 2 - Liberation Maiden - Metal Gear Solid And maybe other stuff. Then it is questions time! We haven't forgotten about the Formula 1 competition, by the way. We just... just give us a minute, okay? Okay? Thanks.

Podcast #013 - Piss-Stab

September 26, 2012 20:39 - 79 MB


Podcast #012 - Chendomers

September 09, 2012 20:24 - 109 MB

PODCAST. Sorry it's been a while. We attempt to make this up to you by doing over two hours of listener questions. Everyone says that's the best bit anyway, so shut up. Sean McTiernan has the dubious honour of being the first guest to come on the show twice. We are glad this has happened and hope you are too. I honestly can't remember most of this episode, but there is definitely a good bit about Valve's $100 Greenlight submission controversy, and a bit about Ian Dickson's romantic endeavo...

Podcast #011 - Possession

August 10, 2012 20:20 - 84.7 MB

If you like murderous animals or grown men talking about beating up kids, you were custom-built to enjoy this episode. We are joined this week by the God of Games himself, Robert Florence. If you're not aware of his work, find Consolevania on iTunes and come back when you've watched the whole lot and we can be friends again. We talk about RECENT GAMES like Grim Fandango, Just Cause 2, Skyrim (ANDI) and Tribes: Ascend. That last one is actually kind of recent, so I put it at the end so as n...

Podcast #010 - Punch It In The Face

July 30, 2012 20:12 - 66.3 MB

Andi sounds like crap this week IT IS HIS FAULT NOT MY FAULT. Sounds like he's recorded using his laptop's built-in mic, and not the headset he was actually talking to us with. He is a genius. The good news is that while we didn't get the SPECIAL GUEST we had planned, we are instead joined by Jon Brady ofBigRedBarrel fame, which is something we had secretly been wanting to do anyway. SO we talk about the rubbish we've bought in the latest Steam sale, and then we answer questions. At some p...

Podcast #009 - Andi's Illiteracy

July 02, 2012 20:06 - 115 MB

Do you derive pleasure from the heartbreaking severity of Andi's inability to read? I DO. No guest this week. It only seemed fair, because we knew we were just going to talk about Phantasy Star Online 2 for ages. We should have someone relatively special for episode ten, though. Someone RELATIVELY SPECIAL INDEED. So there's a load of PSO2 chat, then some Day Z stuff, then the results of our breathtaking DiRT: Showdown competition, then listener questions. It all takes about two hours and i...

Podcast #008 - All Birds Are Arseholes

June 15, 2012 20:04 - 153 MB

OH MY GOSH E3 HAPPENED AND IT WAS A BIT POO Well, it was if you were sat at home watching the conferences instead of actually being there and playing games and that. But that doesn't stop us sharing our half-baked opinions with YOU. Andi and Sean are joined by Sean Bamberger this week. He does PR for Sega, but he is only marginally evil. ALSO there is a competition in this episode to win a copy of DiRT Showdown for the Xbox 360 as well as a t-shirt or something. Listen to the episode to f...

Podcast #007 - F.I.5.H.

June 02, 2012 20:05 - 74.4 MB

Do you enjoy things that don't exist? Then you'll love the first half of this podcast!!! I'd explain here, but it's probably easier if you just listen to it. The good news is we spend an hour or so answering your questions, in the company of the delightful Mark Paterson. Next week, a load of E3-related sobbing, most likely. Cheers!

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