SHUCKS HOWDY, it's not often we get a brand new console to talk about, so it's really no surprise that we've managed to fill an entire podcast episode with stuff just about said new console.

The Wii U is a thing that exists now, and we've taken it upon ourselves to tell you what we think about it for two excruciating hours that you are GUARANTEED to never ever get back! The good news is that there is a bit at the end about us sticking consoles up our arses. Your reward for making it through the show's actual content.

Given the subject matter, it seemed entirely fitting to get UK games journo hero and Nintendo aficionado Chris Schillingon the show. If his name doesn't ring any bells, we can still pretty much guarantee that you've read and enjoyed his work somewhere before.

Aside from the console itself, we discuss THESE games:

- ZombiU
- fuckin' Nintendoland
- Chasing Aurora
- Nano Assault
- Tank! Tank! Tank!
- the new Sonic racing game I can never remember the proper name of
- New Super Mario Bros. U

Then we answer questions from you lot.

Join us next time for a podcast that should, hopefully, fit in with all this #DCember guff.

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