If your parents or grandparents bought a house in America during the post war boom years … they and you benefited from a system of racial oppression that encouraged white wealth building through home ownership with one hand … and held back black families with the other. 

Mine did and I do.  

This isn’t the episode I was planning to record this week but I hope you’ll stick around to think about how the history of housing discrimination in this country affects the mid-century houses we love and the world we all live in.

I'm using this week's podcast to talk about how systemic racism was literally built right into the Mid-Century neighborhoods that I otherwise love. We all need to acknowledge that part of our history and start talking more about what we can do to make positive, anti-racist changes in our own lives and communities. 

In today's episode you'll hear ...

Why I think it is important to stop what I'm doing and address the systemic racism that is embedded in American culture and in the history of the Mid-Century era I otherwise love so much.How the wealth gap between black and white families in America holds people back [4:28]A quick history of the Great Migration that Black Americans undertook to escape Jim Crow ... [5:15]But how what they found here in the North was systematic Housing Discrimination  and how that worked against black homeownership in many ways  [6:05]How the Fair Housing Act (1968) didn't really fix things ... it couldn't. [8:35]And how blue states like mine and liberal cities like Madison use subtle racism to keep black and white families segregated to this day [9:42]A few ideas about what we can to today to be more anti-racist in our lives and our homes [11:38]

Get all the resources I mention in the episode at www.midmod-midwest.com/309/