So how has the battle to fight clutter been going at your house lately? 

For me, housekeeping isn't my strongest suit at the best of times but I do know that I feel better about life and myself when I'm not looking at to-do lists (in pile form) all over the dining table. 

Some amount of clutter-busting will always be a form of #adulting but we can make the job harder or easier when the house we live in is designed a certain way. How can you design updates for your house that will help you stop clutter before it can start. 


A story about the excellent advice I give my BFF (and vice versa) [0:58]Permission to let things go when you have to … but a little gentle encouragement that you (and I) can benefit from our efforts to fight clutter! [3:50]I’m sharing a quick run down of the cow path theory landscape architecture and how you can use it run a mild social experiment on your own household to ID key clutter hotspots. [5:01]Four ways you can fight clutter – from hardest to easiest. Spoiler: the easy one is after you’ve mitigated your clutter problem with a design solution. [7:00]How filtering out the clutter RIGHT AT THE DOOR can make the whole house easier to tidy – with tips from the creator of Apartment Therapy [8:32]Some history of storage in MCM ranches (and the houses that came before). We actually have it pretty good! [10:10]And why it doesn’t feel like enough. Volume isn’t the answer. We need WELL ORGANIZED storage to fight clutter well. [12:04]A fun tip for how to improve on walk in closets if you plan a new master suite! [15:18]Be real with yourself. I’m not Marie Kondo and you probably aren’t either. So design in the amount of storage you’ll ACTUALLY need to keep down clutter! [16:15]

Hey do you need help pivoting from your remodel plans in the before times to a remodel that can actually help you and your family feel comfortable at home in the new normal? I’m giving a masterclass on JUST THAT TOPIC coming up soon. Sign up here to get an invitation to the free live class as soon as it opens!

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