Today, I want to share a message of hope and courage with you.

No matter what daunting task or new venture we undertake, whether it's starting a business, pursuing dreams, or rebuilding relationships, we face challenges. But amidst the difficulties, we celebrate every small victory. 

Undeniably, the road ahead is challenging and far from easy. Starting something new is never a simple task, and many people give up before taking the first step. Therefore, I want you to honor yourself just for having the courage to begin. Taking that initial step is often the hardest part. But once you do, everything feels fresh, interesting, and exciting. With each step, your momentum grows. Walking turns into jogging, jogging into running, and running into sprinting. Eventually, you find yourself participating in an obstacle course race, fueled by your determination.

Stay committed to your vision, never give up, and never compromise your dreams. Always follow your heart. Celebrate every small victory along the way. And if you stumble, remember to pick yourself back up. When you reach your destination, take a moment to kneel and thank God for guiding and carrying you through the tough times. Thank yourself for never quitting on your soul and for fighting against the darkness that attempts to keep you small. Today, darkness has no place within you or your future. Refuse to succumb to doubt, insecurity, and fear. Embrace the light and tell the shadows to step aside.


"God loves each of us as if there were only one of us." - Saint Augustine


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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