Today, I want to share a personal story that revolves around a topic close to my heart: the pain of our past. It's about those lingering emotions and traumas we've buried deep inside, the ones we haven't fully faced or processed.

When faced with challenging situations like heartbreak or traumatic events, our instinct is often to endure and push through. We seek support from our loved ones, coaches, counselors, or therapists. Yet, if we haven't truly released the pain and emotions tied to those experiences, they can hold us back from reaching our fullest potential. They become barriers preventing us from moving forward on our journey of growth and development.

However, once we're in that darkness together, speaking more darkness won't serve us. It's time to illuminate our surroundings, to distinguish between light and dark, and to find our footing amidst the pain. Side by side, we work towards banishing the darkness, clearing the path for transformation. It's astonishing how quickly our lives change once we address the root of our pain and release the emotional weight we've carried.

So here's the deal, my dear listeners. If you feel stuck in your relationships, be it with your spouse or with yourself, if you're yearning to reach the next level in life, now is the time to reach out to me. Together, we'll enter the arena and fight the darkness as a team. I'll equip you with the necessary tools, systems, processes, and mindset to transform your life completely. When you step into the ring with me, I am by your side, wholeheartedly invested in your progress. Whether it's strengthening your connection with your spouse, improving your parenting skills, or discovering your life's purpose, I'm here to guide you spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally.


"Father, I am seeking: I am hesitant and uncertain, but will you, O God, watch over each step of mine and guide me." - Saint Augustine


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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