Today, we want to address a trap that the $10 billion self-development industry has set for those on the path of self-improvement. It's time to bypass the cycle of self-limiting beliefs and embrace true transformation.

In your quest for personal growth, you've probably encountered countless coaches, consultants, and trainers who promise to help you unearth and overcome your limiting beliefs. And while these resources can be valuable, we've noticed a crucial missing element in many of them that can save you valuable time on your journey.

Throughout our own experiences spanning over a decade, we've learned that identifying limiting beliefs is only the first step. Merely convincing ourselves that we are "good enough" or "worthy" is not enough to break free from these beliefs and achieve lasting change.

Here's the issue: even after investing in programs and implementing so-called belief overrides, we often find ourselves repeatedly triggered by the same old limiting beliefs. It's frustrating and disheartening. Shouldn't we have moved past these beliefs if we've done the work and know they're not true?

The truth is, we've discovered a vital piece of the puzzle that is often overlooked: healing the underlying pain associated with these triggers. By delving into the root cause of our triggers, we can address and heal the wounds from our past. These wounds serve as the breeding ground for limiting beliefs, and until they are healed, the cycle will persist.

Don't fall into the trap of stopping at identifying your limiting beliefs without addressing the pain that fuels them. By healing that pain, you'll experience true transformation. When you reach a point of deep healing, there's no need to rely on belief overrides because you'll simply know your inherent truth at your core.

As the Oracle said in The Matrix, "You'll know it balls to bone." When you reach this level of self-awareness and healing, you won't need to seek acceptance externally because you'll understand that you are already accepted. Acceptance is your birthright, and you'll feel it in every fiber of your being.

If you find yourself trapped in a cycle of oscillating between limiting self-beliefs and temporary overrides, don't worry. We're here to help you break free from this pattern once and for all. Reach out to us, message us, and let's connect. Together, we'll guide you towards lasting transformation that will shape the rest of your life.


"If we live good lives, the times are also good as we are such the times." - Saint Augustine


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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