On today's episode Laura and I share a morning ritual we do together that helps us sustain our connection to each other. As You know, one of the keys to finding balance in life is discovering those moments of stillness amidst the chaos. 

What I truly appreciate about the work we've done in our relationship is how Laura always holds up a mirror for me to see myself, even when I'm deeply immersed in my own experience. We're embarking on a new path together, following the calling that God has placed on our lives. It involves a lot of hard work and navigating through overwhelming feelings.

Laura and I have developed a morning ritual that has become an essential part of our lives. Sometimes, it even extends into the evening, depending on how the day unfolds.

This simple ritual, which only takes a minute, makes a tremendous difference. We encourage you to allocate one minute a day for this practice because everyone has at least that much time.

So, my dear listeners, let's take the time to nurture our connections and find those moments of stillness amid the chaos. Together, we can create lives filled with light, love, and deep connection. Keep fighting for what you believe in, and remember that you are never alone on this journey.


"Wicked men obey from fear; good men from love." - Saint Augustine


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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