When I stop you and give you tidings of the future and say:


"Don't condemn your family tree."


You're probably not aware that is what you are doing...


and you're not just doing it to your immediate family, but your larger extended family—your brothers, sisters, their spouses, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents etc etc who make up your family tree.


This is something I see EVEN INSIDE MY OWN FAMILY TREE and it continues to bother me every single day. 


I often don't understand why people have such a blatant disregard for the life experience of the  people on the other side of the condemnation...and I am especially baffled by family members, in the same tree and forest of trees do it as well. 


To the point where the family members each would show a stranger on the street more care and comfort than their own family line who they treat with contempt and condemnation.


Want to come face to face with this for real instead of theoretically or conceptually?


Go sit in a graveyard and pretend you're dead in 20 minutes and write a letter to the family member your battling with, and watch what comes up. 


The thing is....


When I work with people and help them uncover their struggles, I see a pattern. Deep-rooted pain and unresolved issues from the past keep resurfacing, causing conflicts within relationships. Over time, these unresolved pains can cause division and continue to greatly increase the distance within our extended families. 


The truth is, much like you didn't get a choice in the color of the sky, or where you were born...


Family is family, and in my life, there's no bond stronger than that.


Now, maybe you're listening, and you have family members you're not connecting with. Perhaps there's an ongoing conflict that you've been sweeping under the rug for years. Well, let me tell you, it's time to address it.

Because every day you delay facing those unresolved issues, you're allowing pain and darkness to seep into your own family tree.


Remember, tolerating darkness within your family means you're likely tolerating it elsewhere in your life too.


Our time on this Earth is limited, and we need to make the most of it.


Let's not leave behind a legacy of broken relationships and pain.


Instead, let's be the ones who bring light into our family, mend the fractures, and restore the love that should flow through our veins.


"It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us. Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start." - Mother Teresa


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


Want more training and deep dive on building a connected family and relationship?

Don't Fight the Darkness Alone, Fight Together: Couples Join the FREE Facebook group here: https://bit.ly/Couples-Join-for-our-kingdom

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