Today, I want to talk to you about discernment.  A few weeks ago, I touched upon this topic in one of our previous episodes, emphasizing the importance of spiritual guidance to distinguish truth from falsehood. Today, I'll take you on a journey, connecting the dots and offering you a breakthrough perspective on life.

Let's talk about the power of emotional connection, which often happens through music. We all have those songs that deeply resonate with us, regardless of the genre. They touch our souls with their heartfelt lyrics and profound meaning. It's through these songs that we create connections based on shared emotions.

However, we must be cautious when it comes to song lyrics. While they may seem to understand us, they can also trap us in darkness if we lack discernment. If we're in pain and believe we shouldn't take responsibility for our partner's actions, these lyrics might resonate, leading us to blame them entirely. But unfiltered exposure to such lyrics can shape our responses in unintended ways.

An immature person lacking self-awareness might adopt a mindset that absolves them of blame and pushes their partner away. This mindset only deepens the divide in their relationship. It's crucial to exercise discernment and not let lyrics dictate our responses.


"Music, that's the science or the sense of proper modulation, is likewise given by God's generosity to mortals having rational souls in order to lead them to higher things." - Saint Augustine


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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