Today I want to talk to you about something weighing heavily on my mind. Lately, there has been a noticeable shift in the intensity of the messages we share in public spaces, as well as within my coaching calls and personal life. This intensity stems from the realization of what truly happens within relationships. If only you could see it from my perspective, or better yet, experience it firsthand. It's absolutely chilling how dark forces work against love and unity within families. These forces are destructive and can tear apart the very foundation of a family tree.

I know this all too well because I've experienced it multiple times in my own life until I finally became aware of it. It isolated me, pulled me away from my family, and made me retreat even from my beloved children. It's fascinating how this darkness manifests in our lives. Our inner struggles reflect in our external actions, and vice versa. The devil uses this paradox to deceive us.

However, this couldn't be further from the truth, as God doesn't make us unlovable or unworthy. We are born into this world from a place of love, and that's who we are. 


"My soul is like a house, small for you to enter, but I pray you to enlarge it. It is in ruins, but I ask you to remake it. It contains much that you will not be pleased to see: this I know and do not hide. But who is to rid it of these things? There is no one but you. " - Saint Augustine of Hippo


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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