Today, I want to talk to you about something deeply personal and relatable: the journey of creating safe spaces within ourselves to let our inner struggles and emotions find expression.

When I began my own path of self-development, I realized there were aspects of myself that needed attention. These were the parts that, if left unaddressed, would wreak havoc in my life. It wasn't about defeating or eradicating these aspects; it was about finding healthy boundaries and containers for them to exist and be understood.

As men, we often embark on a journey to ignite the fire within us, to awaken our true selves. But let me tell you, it's not about suppressing our anger, denying our sadness, or magically fixing everything overnight. It's not about eradicating the darkness within our relationships or expecting life to become a constant parade of rainbows and unicorns.

In reality, we often find ourselves trapped in environments that demand a facade of happiness and conformity. Everyone appears to have it together, wearing corporate clothes and plastering smiles on their faces. But deep down, we're all just putting on a show. It's exhausting.

If you're listening to this podcast episode, it's time to consider creating your own safe container—a place where you can share what's truly going on within you. As a reverend, I'm committed to getting to the core of the matter, to uncovering the pain hidden beneath the surface. I dig deep beneath the superficial corporate facade that often dominates conversations. I've witnessed men drowning their sorrows in alcohol because they can't face their reality. They're trapped in darkness, and the key to their prison lies in simply speaking the truth about their lives.


"HOPE has two beautiful daughters:  their names are ANGER and COURAGE. Anger at the way things are and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are." - Saint Augustine


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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