Today, I want to talk to you about something personal—knowing your true identity. 

Eastern traditions like Buddhism, often emphasize finding balance within ourselves. But what happens when we find ourselves trapped in the darkness, lingering there for years? Some people never even make it to this stage; they remain lost and disconnected from the possibility of stepping into the light. These lost souls may appear to be acting in hurtful or disrespectful ways, but what I see is someone who is disconnected from their true selves. This even applies to fathers who haven't been present in their children's lives. It's not that they don't care; it's simply because they don't know who they are. 

So, when someone asks you, "Who are you?" take the opportunity to answer in a way that reflects how you want to be perceived. If you find yourself in the darkness, unsure of who you are, it's a chance for exploration and growth. Start by understanding who you are not, and gradually, you will discover your true self. Remember, being a human being means you have the power to change and evolve at any moment. As you uncover your identity, it will shape your beliefs and how you show up in the world.


"God loves each of us as if there were only one of us." - Saint Augustine


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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