I once found myself in darkness. It seemed like my whole world was consumed by shadows, and I couldn't understand how I had ended up there. Everything had been going well in my life - my business, my relationships, everything was in perfect harmony. But then, almost out of nowhere, I woke up in a place of deep darkness. It was a place I didn't want to be, a place that didn't align with the life I had envisioned for myself.

In that darkness, I felt alone, disconnected from the people I loved. It was a battle between light and darkness, good and evil, that was taking place within me. And like many others, my first instinct was to seek answers outside of myself. I searched for guidance in churches, books, programs, and therapy. I believed that the light I was seeking could only be found out there in the world.

But what I didn't realize then was that the light was already within me. I had the power to illuminate my own path, to find my way back to the light. I just needed to learn how to turn it on. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, consuming every resource I could find that resonated with me. I immersed myself in teachings, coaching, and personal development.

Gradually, my life started to restore itself. I brought heaven to earth through the joy, fulfillment, and deep connections I experienced. It felt like a victory like I had finally reached the place I had been searching for. But just as I had anticipated, the darkness returned, stronger and more evolved than before.

You never know what God has in store for you as you listen to this message. I believe you are deeply connected to your faith and spirituality or have been away for a while, making excuses to ignore the truth that you are part of something bigger, something interconnected. Life is a dance between light and dark, and we can never escape either.

Perhaps this time, you will find yourself entering someone else's darkness, helping them discover the light within. If that's the case, remember the beginning of this journey where you were searching desperately for anything to guide you out of your own hellish situation. There is a pathway, one of many, that represents a door you can open. It will lead you to a new season of your life, where you will do the necessary work to become a warrior in God's Army of Light. The world needs you right now.


" O Holy Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams." - Saint Augustine


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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