Previous Episode: 030 - Who Are You?

Today, I want to talk to you about something that hits close to home for many of us couples out there. It's about conquering time and creating the marriage of our dreams.

We all know that life has its ups and downs. Just like the sun rises and sets every day, our relationships go through seasons of light and darkness. It's inevitable, and we can't escape it. However, what we can do is prepare for it and train ourselves during the good times so that we're ready to face the darkness when it comes knocking on our door.

Sometimes everything seems perfect in a relationship. The connection is strong, our lives are thriving, and we're creating the life we've always wanted. But then, unexpectedly, something happens, and we find ourselves thrown back into darkness. It could be a challenge with our extended family, a crisis with one of our children, or something else entirely. The darkness comes, and we must be prepared to face it.

To truly thrive, we need to master time. We need to break free from this cycle of just surviving and start living in the present, appreciating the connection and love between us. I believe that a lack of connection lies at the heart of many struggling relationships. We can't rely solely on logical discussions to foster connection. True connection comes from emotional experiences shared between two people. It's a deep, loving bond that words alone can't describe.

We have the power to rewrite our stories and let go of victimhood. We mustn't limit God's ability to heal and transform us.


"Trust the past to God's mercy, the present to God's Love, and the future to God's providence." - Saint Augustine of Hippo


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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