I want to have a heart-to-heart conversation with you today about relationships. The world we live in is filled with complexities surrounding gender, sexual orientation, and personal choices. It can be incredibly confusing, especially if you're a man like me, married to a woman, and finding that your marriage isn't working as you hoped.

When we find ourselves in such a situation, it's natural to seek answers and guidance. We might consider therapy, marriage counseling, or exploring various coaching programs and books. The internet offers countless resources, but navigating through it all can be overwhelming. It's as if our marriage is on a troubled path, and we urgently need to change course.

I get it—it's frustrating and uncomfortable to feel lost and dependent, constantly seeking answers and solutions. But dwelling in that mindset only drives a bigger wedge between you and your wife. Instead, we must recognize that feminine energy flows differently, often without a clear structure or reason. What works for us as masculine men, seeking processes and logical steps, doesn't necessarily apply to our wives.

Remember, it's not about expecting everything to be equal or mirroring workplace dynamics. While women should absolutely have equal opportunities and fair treatment in professional settings, relationships operate differently. Our feminine partners desire a husband who embraces his masculine energy, fights for the relationship every day, and understands that their feminine energy brings unique qualities and perspectives to the partnership.

Going to war for her means taking responsibility and initiating acts of repair. It means standing in the ring with her every single day, regardless of how she feels, and loving her unconditionally through it all. I won't lie to you, it's not easy, and it only gets tougher as you progress. Yet, the more you invest in this endeavor, the deeper your connection will grow, as she continues to test your love for her. Your love must be boundless, unbreakable, and unaffected by anything she says or does. Embrace this mindset, and watch as it begins to revitalize your relationship, building a new and brighter future together.


If we want a better world, that would be a peaceful home and not a battlefield, we all need to do a lot more for the dignity of each woman. - Pope Francis


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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