Today I want to have a heart-to-heart with you about what it means to be a modern-day minister. This topic has been on my mind lately as I've been on my own faith journey. I've become acutely aware of something specific that I feel called to work with: men. Yes, I work with dads, husbands, moms, couples, and families too, but my focus has been on helping men navigate their spiritual paths.

You see, I've had my own share of struggles and doubts. I used to be deeply involved with the Catholic Church, but I reached a point where I felt disillusioned. What I've come to realize is that the essence of Jesus' message was not about being worshipped as the Son of God. It was about awakening to the fact that we are all children of God. The Holy Spirit resides within each and every one of us, and that includes me and you. I don't consider myself unique or special in this regard. I don't claim false modesty, but rather a deep understanding that we are all vessels of God's Spirit.

My journey has brought me to the realization that there is a disconnect between the institutionalized versions of Christianity and the deeper truth of following Jesus. Jesus came to model a life connected to God and the Holy Spirit within us. He challenged the prevailing doctrines and religious practices of his time.

I want to emphasize that I'm not here to wage war against the Catholic Church or any other religious organization. I acknowledge the positive aspects and the immense scale of the Catholic Church, which spans across the globe.

The most important thing I want you to take away from today's message is that God is within you. You don't have to go searching outside.


“It is better to be a child of God than the king of the whole world.” – St. Aloysius Gonzaga


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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