Today, I want to share a personal story with you. It's about a race I recently participated in, and it taught me some valuable lessons that I believe can apply to various aspects of our lives.

So there I was, standing on Killington Mountain, ready to take on the Spartan Ultra race. It was a pivotal moment for me because I had failed to finish this race in the past, and I was determined to change that. As the sun was setting, I made it through the cut off on the side of the mountain, and a surge of disbelief and gratitude filled me. I couldn't believe I was still in the race after thinking I was done.

As I continued on the trail, I met another runner who had also been enduring the challenges of the race. We formed a bond, silently supporting each other through the darkness. But as we approached a series of daunting obstacles, my companion expressed doubt about finishing. His words echoed in my mind, tempting me to give up too. However, in that crucial moment, I made a firm decision. I refused to quit. I knew that I had come too far and invested too much effort to back down now.

I reached the sandbag carry where my battle buddy and friend were waiting for me. We cheered each other on, and with the obstacles behind me, I climbed the final rig, overcome with emotion and gratitude. Tears streamed down my face as I crossed the finish line, feeling an immense sense of accomplishment. I realized that I had never lost faith throughout the race, and it was this faith that carried me through.

Reflecting on this experience, I discussed it with my wife, who had believed in me all along. We acknowledged the power of faith and conviction in our lives, drawing parallels to her own journey battling cancer. The experience reinforced our belief in the strength given to us by God.

In a recent turn of events, I faced a significant setback in my career the night before my ordination as a reverend. Despite this challenge, I continue to run and train, holding onto faith and conviction, just as I did during the race.

This journey has taught me the power of unwavering belief and trust in God, reminding me that we are all capable of overcoming obstacles when we have faith and conviction in our hearts.


"Never ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. BE NOT AFRAID." - Pope Saint John Paul II


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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