I wanted to share a saying that my grandfather once told me before he passed away. It really struck a chord with me and made me think deeply about its meaning. He said, "I have never met anybody in my life who's had to use the eraser end of the pencil more than you."

You see, a pencil has two ends—the writing end and the eraser end. When my grandfather said that I used the eraser end a lot, he wasn't criticizing me. He was actually appreciating my willingness to make mistakes and learn from them. He understood that growth and progress are impossible without encountering failures along the way.

I've always been open with my children about the importance of embracing mistakes and not fearing them. Unlike some parents who put immense pressure on their kids to achieve perfect grades, I wanted my children to approach learning with a growth mindset. I didn't want them to associate a wrong answer with personal failure or disappointment from me.

So, if you're a dad or anyone listening to this podcast, and you find yourself hesitant to make decisions or paralyzed by overthinking, remember the lesson my grandfather taught me. Don't be afraid to use the eraser end of the pencil. Embrace your mistakes and failures as opportunities to learn and grow. Take bold steps towards your goals, knowing that missteps are part of the journey.

So, let's all go out there today with courage and resilience. Let's not be afraid to use the eraser end of the pencil.


"Waste time with your children, so that they can realize that love is always free." - Pope Francis


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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