Episode: Developing Intergenerational Relationships

Welcome to Episode 115 of the Mentor Select podcast | Parenting Teens To Be Successful Adults 

In this episode, Pastor Jeffrey Broadnax, National Coordinator of Generations Ministries shares how developing intergenerational relationships can give teens a 15 year head start.

So if you want to learn proven strategies how to help teens leverage intergenerational relationships then tune in now.

In this episode, you'll discover: How to discover how to expose teens to a web of mentors that will help them reach excel in all areas of their lives.

About Our Guest

Pastor Jeffrey Broadnax accomplishments include:

Principal overseer of the denominational leadership “on ramps” and "acceleration zones" for children, youth and young adults within Grace Communion International. Worked with under-served youth and teaching them how to develop and present a profession business plan and how to start and operate a small business. Worked with young offenders 16-24 on pre-release planning, life skill development, re-entry and reconciliation preparation.

More Information

Contact Pastor Jeffrey Broadnax at:

[email protected]






Thanks for Tuning In!

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