Episode: Helping Teens Standout Early and Often

Welcome to Episode 114 of the Mentor Select podcast | Parenting Teens To Be Successful Adults 

In this episode, John Walsh, President, and CEO of StandoutX share 5 ways that teens can standout to Rise, Shine, and Impact.

So if you want to learn proven strategies to promote personal and professional development then tune in.

In this episode, you'll discover: How to discover and develop your teen’s unlimited potential

About Our Guest

John Walsh accomplishments include:

President and CEO of StandoutX, LLC Bestselling Author of The Standout Experience Former Senior Executive at The Walt Disney Company and The Madison Square Garden Company

John’s real interest, obsession and mission in life is to help and inspire students, young professionals, new executives and emerging businesses accelerate their potential and rise from “just starting” to standing out as fast as possible. 


More Information

Contact John Walsh at:





Thanks for Tuning In!

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