Episode: Getting Teens Excited About STEM Careers

Welcome to Episode 108 of the Mentor Select podcast | Parenting Teens To Be Successful Adults 

In this episode, Civil Engineer Terrance Williams and I discuss how exposure plays a vital role in getting teens excited about STEM careers.

So if you want to learn the proven strategies to help your teen excel in math, science and greatly expand their career opportunities then tune in now!

In this episode, you'll discover:

3 Ways to Prepare Teens For STEM Careers

Confidence Building Leveraging Available Resources Recovering Quickly From Setbacks

About Us

Terrance Williams is a Structural Design Engineer.  His accomplishments include:

Served in the  United States Navy A member of NSBE Graduate from Old Dominion University

More Information

Contact Terrance Williams at:

[email protected]

Thanks for Tuning In!

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