Episode: Preparing Teens For Distance Learning

Welcome to Episode 107 of the Mentor Select podcast | Parenting Teens To Be Successful Adults 

In this episode, Dr. Walter Price, aka “The Encourager” and I discuss how to parents can best prepare their teens for distance learning and how to make a smooth transition from high school to college.

So if you want to learn the proven strategies to help your teens excel at distance learning, and significantly increase their chances of getting into their dream school then tune in now!

In this episode, you'll discover:

Preparing Teens For Distance Learning

Time Management Skills Interpersonal Communication and Life Skills Conflict Resolution

About Us

Dr. Price is a sought-after motivational speaker, facilitator, seminar leader, trainer, and negotiator. As a manager of his own business, Priceless Education. He has given speeches to, facilitated or, trained over one million (1,000,000) people.

His accomplishments include:

A trainer and consultant for Harvard University School of Public Health, Dispute Resolution Service Centers, Chairman for the Division of Business and Professor of Business and Speech at Southwestern Christian College Former Captain, United States Army


More Information

Learn more about how to parent teens to be successful adults contact Dr. Price at:

[email protected]


Thanks for Tuning In!

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