Navigating Holiday Family Drama: The Oppression Trap Triangle   Ep253 Tah discusses the issue of family drama during holidays, described through personal experiences.   The main focus is on the 'Oppression Trap Triangle', an insightful method to understand recurring patterns in family dynamics. Aspects such as the roles of victim, victor, and villain in holiday drama are highlighted and advice is given on how to step out of these roles, stop projecting, and create more effective ways of communication and connection in family relationships. The session encourages open discussions on personal challenges during holidays and offers support in overcoming these obstacles.   00:00 Introduction and Welcome 00:22 Understanding Family Holiday Drama 00:38 Personal Experiences with Family Holiday Drama 02:25 The Oppression Trap Triangle 02:51 Invitation to The Condor Approach 03:14 More Personal Experiences and Expectations 03:56 What to Expect from the Session 05:28 The Four N's Process at The Condor Approach 05:59 Intake Exercise: Understanding Your Holiday Drama 10:20 Understanding the Drama Triangle 12:00 Roles within the Drama Triangle 21:22 How to Get Out of the Drama Triangle 26:37 Integration and Final Thoughts 28:47 Recognizing Patterns of Emotional Triggers 29:01 The Impact of Holidays on Emotional Well-being 29:21 Introducing the Condor Approach 29:31 Invitation to Join the Condor Approach 30:08 Recap of the Discussion 30:30 Call to Action 30:45 Subscription and Replay Information 31:13 Closing Remarks and Gratitude 31:56 Post-Session Discussion 32:16 Addressing Personal Emotional Challenges 34:18 Strategies for Emotional Self-Regulation 45:09 Understanding the Concept of Gifting 46:40 Exploring Parenting Styles and Emotional Impact 54:25 Invitation to Join the Condor Approach Reiterated 55:47 Closing the Session