The mind-body connection 


Differentiating between instinct and intuition can help us better understand our body's signals.

Touch and movement


Reading Dr. Mario Martinez's book, The Mind Body Code, can deepen our understanding of the mind-body connection.

Welcome to episode 211 of The Psychedelic Coach Podcast, where Tah and Kole discuss the importance of the mind-body connection. In this episode, they share their personal stories of how they first became aware of this connection and the techniques they use to integrate it.

Tah shares their experience of trusting their body and learning to differentiate between instinct and intuition. By listening to their body, Tah has been able to transform their physical and emotional well-being, and craft their body into the shape they desire. Tah discusses the importance of doing a physical scan and visualization to trust the body's guidance.

Kole and Tah discuss the importance of touch and movement in connecting with the body, as well as the importance of consent when it comes to physical touch. They also talk about the back and forth "tantra" between the mind and the body and how each can influence the other.

The duo recommends reading Dr. Mario Martinez's book, The Mind Body Code, which delves deeper into the mind-body connection and the ways in which it impacts our overall well-being. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the mind-body connection and to learn techniques to integrate it into their lives.