Are you feeling the call to serve as a coach in the psychedelic space but something's holding you back? Let's talk about the top four reasons why people get the jitters when it comes to jumping into this vibrant and emerging field!




Safety Concerns

Firstly, it's natural to feel some fear of the unknown. After all, the psychedelic space is still relatively new, and who knows what kind of experiences you might encounter? But guess what? The unknown is where the magic happens, and that's why we need courageous folks like you to step up and pave the way.

Secondly, self-doubt can be a buzzkill for even the most badass coaches out there. But let me tell you something, my friend. You are exactly who the world needs right now. You've got the passion, the empathy, and the skills to guide people through these transformative experiences. So channel your inner rockstar and go show the world what you're made of.

Thirdly, haters gonna hate. It's a sad fact, but some people just don't get it. They might try to bring you down, or question your motives, but don't let them dim your shine. You've got a purpose, a calling, and a unique set of skills that only you can bring to the table. So embrace your inner unicorn, and show the world what you're capable of.

Lastly, safety concerns can be a real buzzkill when it comes to stepping up as a coach in the psychedelic space. But let me tell you, with proper training, support, and self-care, you've got this. You're a rockstar, a trailblazer, and a psychedelic warrior. So go forth, and help to shape the future of this emerging field.

In summary, don't let fear, self-doubt, haters, or safety concerns hold you back from serving as a coach in the psychedelic space. You've got a unique set of skills, a perspective that nobody else has, and a language that only those you are destined to serve can hear. So go out there and inspire, uplift, and transform lives like the rockstar coach that you are!