Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Psychedelic Coach Podcast. Join Tah Whitty as he delves deep into the heart of personal blocks and how to overcome them. In this episode, Tah explores the concept of safety, the seven attributes of violence, and their vital role in understanding and addressing personal blocks.

Key Points Discussed:

The Importance of Safety: Tah underscores the significance of feeling safe, defining it as freedom from hurt, harm, loss, deficit, injury, death, and pain.

Blocks as Safety Mechanisms: Understanding that blocks in our life, whether they're preventing us from exercising or speaking our truth, are essentially safety mechanisms protecting something deeper within us.

The Seven Attributes of Violence: Tah introduces and explains the seven attributes of violence - hurt, harm, loss, deficit, injury, death, and pain - and how they play a crucial role in understanding our personal blocks.

Exploring Personal Blocks: Insights into how blocks might manifest in different areas of our lives, including exercise, communication, and relationships.

The Six Aspects of Self: Tah discusses the six aspects of self (Spirit, Mind, Construct, Emotion, Body, and Microbiome) and how they can be areas where safety issues and blocks reside.

Microbiome's Role in Personal Blocks: An interesting perspective on how our microbiome can influence our behaviors and create blocks, especially in the context of diet and cravings.

Awareness and Action Steps: Emphasizing the need for awareness about what safety means to us individually and how journaling, discussing with family, and making plans can help in navigating through these blocks.

Invitation to the Condor Approach: Tah invites listeners to join the Condor Approach community for deeper learning and application of these concepts, especially for those involved in psychedelic facilitation and integration.

Special Offer for Listeners: A promotional code for a significant discount on the upcoming Condor Approach event.

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As Tah mentioned in the episode, use code FRIENDOFCONDOR and get $1000 off of the upcoming Condor Approach Live event in Austin Texas, February 22-24, 2024. 

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Disclaimer: The content presented in this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Thank you for joining us on The Psychedelic Coach Podcast. Your journey is important, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

With gratitude and warmth, Tah

Podcast Host: Tah Whitty, Producer: The Psychedelic Coach Podcast Team

(Please note that this transcript has been edited for clarity and coherence. For the complete and unedited content, please refer to the original podcast episode.)