Join Dr. Kristina Hallett, Patricia Steuer, Kristin Sunanta Walker and Evelyn M. Ryan for a deep discussion about women and how we are trying to navigate 2018.

Dr. Kristina Hallett is the host of the Be Awesome series on Mental Health News Radio. She is also a psychologist in private practice, author, speaker, and corporate trainer. She has worked extensively with people diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder in the prison system.

Patricia Steuer is an artist and activist who is a classically trained singer with a degree in music from the University of Massachusetts. She is also a survivor of sexual assault and came forward as one of the accusers of Bill Cosby.

Kristin Sunanta Walker is the CEO of Mental Health News Radio Network, as well as, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse.

Evelyn M. Ryan is a consultant in the nuclear power industry, author, and coach for survivors of psychological abuse.