Join blogger, social media influencer, mental health advocate, and simple life lover Amanda Whitworth talking about how an important life change continues to make all the difference to her mental health.

About Amanda: In August of 2019, I packed up a Uhaul with my car attached behind and with my two furry companions, Baker and Louie, we headed north to a small goat farm an hour north of San Francisco to live in a yurt and overall, simplify our lives.
For a while now I’ve been feeling the pull to slow down. To simplify. I didn’t know exactly what that meant but I let life open up and the path organically appeared.

I honestly never thought I’d live in a yurt. In fact, it was the least interesting ‘alternative’ way of living to me. However, when the opportunity came about and I saw where I’d be living, something deep inside of me screamed yes. This is it.

So I took the leap of faith and it landed me here.

This blog has been many things over the years but one thing I keep coming back to is writing about my life. Where I’m at, what I’m doing and all the in-between. My overarching goal is to share my ways of simplifying my life, finding more creativity and a deeper sense of inner peace and happiness.

I have big plans for this space but for now, I’ll let it unfold naturally.