Two PhD's in Psychology, Dr. George Simon and Dr. Sherry Simon, one who well known for the study of character disorders and the other for her work with those in relationship with the character disordered. Our host, Kristin Sunanta Walker, could not wait to start the first of many of these conversations on our series: Character Matters.

Dr. George Simon is an internationally-recognized expert on manipulators and other problem characters and the author of 3 bestselling books: In Sheep’s Clothing (which has been translated into 12 foreign languages), Character Disturbance, and The Judas Syndrome. He’s made appearances on several major television (Fox News Network, CNN, CBS 48 Hours).

Until recently, Dr. Simon maintained an active private practice dedicated to assisting individuals develop character and helping empower victims in relationships with disturbed characters. In addition to providing psychotherapy services, he specialized in anxiety and anger management, comprehensive personality assessments, mental health professional training, and consultation to businesses and organizations on how to deal with problem characters. Dr. Simon also recently retired as a supervising psychologist for the Arkansas Dept. of Correction. For 6 years he provided clinical oversight to the community risk assessment program for registered sex offenders, and more recently provided similar oversight for the newly expanded and re-vamped prison-based sex offender treatment program. He has given numerous workshops on the various sex offender typologies and offender treatment and management strategies. He helped secure a DOJ grant through Center for Sex Offender Management, and is a member of the grant’s standing committee.

Dr. Sherry Simon is a veteran independent practitioner. She is an excellent writer, advocate, and clinician that we are coaxing into more of the spotlight with her husband. We see incredible workshops and healing facilitation with both she and George together on what the fundamentals of a healthy belief system around relationships look like.

She is also the President of, a peace and social justice movement. Pax Christi Little Rock is a chapter of Pax Christi USA, the national Catholic peace and social justice movement. Our members are guided by the spirituality of nonviolence, advocating and providing leadership for disarmament, human rights, and the care of all creation. Through prayer, study, and mindful social activism, we work to align organizational structures, policies and practices with the teachings of Christ to end violence, racism, economic oppression, and all forms of social injustice.