TRIGGER WARNING: We are discussing abuse in this episode, as this has been a topic that has been opened up due to the recent cases being covered in the media. Unfortunately, these cases that involve abuse happen all too often. We wanted to take the opportunity to talk about this for our listeners in case you have ever been in an abusive relationship, perhaps are in one now, or maybe you know someone who is and you'd like to help. We hope this conversation continues to be at the forefront and that this episode helps you to know that abuse is not tolerated, you are supported and there are resources to help you along the way. Please seek out help if you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, depending on what is going on, it may save a life.

What we cover:

The different types of abuse that you can experience:
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Emotional Abuse & Intimidation
Verbal Abuse: Coercion, Threats, & Blame
Using Male Privilege
Economic Abuse
We discuss tactics of manipulation, such as gaslighting
How to use resources and supports for yourself or someone else if they’re in an abusive relationship
Various factors such as economic status, race, ethnicity, location, education, sexuality, etc. that may impact the situation
We briefly mention consent, what this means and what to pay attention to around this topic
The cycle of narcissistic abuse and why it can be difficult to see that you’re being abused
Links to support and resources:
National Domestic Violence Hotline to create personalized safety plan
The different types of abuse to look out for in a relationship

We would love to connect with you! DM, comment and engage with us on IG about what you liked or ideas for the podcast.

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And as always, stay well!