Palpitations are not a pleasant sensation, woman experiencing them can actually feel their heart beating. For some, it is just the awareness of their heart at work, for others it feels like their heart is pounding, racing, or skipping a beat. Unfortunately, it's a common experience for many women in the menopausal transition.

Research indicates that 42% of perimenopausal and 54% of post-menopausal women experience them.

If with your palpitations you are also experiencing shortness of breath, chest pain, chest tightening, or dizziness it's best to head to emergency.

If not, then book an appointment with your regular doctor. They can check your medications, as some medications can cause palpitations, and they can investigate for other conditions such as hyperthyroidism that can also produce palpitations. And rule out other cardiovascular issues such as arrhythmias. Once you are cleared of anything more serious it's time to look at your diet and lifestyle.

These factors increase the risk of palpitations:

Blood sugar irregularities Dehydration and low electrolyte status Low Iron Anaemia Blood pressure issues Stress, anxiety, or panic. Being inactive Caffeine consumption Alcohol consumption Cigarette smoking or vaping Taking recreational drugs Left side sleeping Sleep apnea

Full blog post - Palpitations and the Menopausal Transition

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About Jennifer Harrington

Jen is a Naturopath, Nutritionist, and Medical Herbalist. She focuses on natural ways to assist women transitioning into Menopause. She has been a clinical practitioner for over 20 years. Click here to read her full bio.

She is the Clinical Director of Menopause Natural Solutions.

The author of the book - From Invisible to Invincible, the natural menopause revolution.

She is available for consultation


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