Previous Episode: Early Peri-Menopause
Next Episode: Fatigue in Menopause

As we age, our body reduces its production of digestive enzymes and digestive acids. This means our ability to correctly breakdown food reduces and symptoms can start to appear. Foods that you used to be able to eat without concern are now making you feel sick. Food sensitivities, bloating, gas, heartburn, altered bowel movements, cramps, hemorrhoids, are becoming more common.


On top of this, common symptoms related to menopause such as weight gain, mood swings, hormonal imbalances, sleep problems, fatigue, etc may actually be signs of digestive dysfunction rather than being related to your menopausal transition.


Menopause and Digestion

Menopause Nutrition Basics

GI map

Squatty potty



About Jennifer Harrington

Jen is a Naturopath, Nutritionist, and Medical Herbalist. She focuses on natural ways to assist women transitioning into Menopause. She has been a clinical practitioner for over 20 years. Click here to read her full bio.

She is the Clinical Director of Menopause Natural Solutions.

The author of the book - From Invisible to Invincible, the natural menopause revolution.

She is available for consultation at:

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