Khadine is an Accredited Social Worker and an Advanced EFT Practitioner and Trainer. She has more than 20 years of combined experience in Community Services and Natural therapies industries. Khadine has worked with hundreds of people in individual, group and community settings.

EFT is her favorite transformational tool and she is passionate about sharing this technique with others. Khadine provides EFT Practitioner training around Australia.

Khadine effortlessly combines her knowledge and skills to support her clients to create real transformation in their lives. She works with people who want to create change in their relationships, levels of happiness, financial success, health and how they feel about themselves.



About Jennifer Harrington

Jen is a Naturopath, Nutritionist, and Medical Herbalist. She focuses on natural ways to assist women transitioning into Menopause. She has been a clinical practitioner for over 20 years. Click here to read her full bio.

She is the Clinical Director of Menopause Natural Solutions.

The author of the book - From Invisible to Invincible, the natural menopause revolution.

She is available for consultation at:

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