Louis Di Bianco is not a gangster, but he did play one on TV. Actually he played the role since he was a young man running the streets in the Bronx, of New York. His many experiences has taken Louis on a life journey most only dream of. Well, there were a few nightmares in his life as well. Louis is very open with us about his biggest Kick in the Gut moment and how he recovered.

[spp-tweet tweet="You can pick the story that empowers you, or the story that disempowers you"]

I’m Louis Di Bianco, a guy from Bronx, N.Y. The Bronx is a huge story by itself. I’m glad I grew up there because it gave me material for a lifetime of great stories. And, it gave me everything I needed to launch my successful acting career. More on that later. Let’s not get ahead of the story.

Louis created Change Your Story, Change Your Life for you. Come here to learn how to tap into and harness your storytelling power to enrich your personal and business growth.

Listen to the podcast. The people he interviews offer golden insights that help you break through limiting beliefs. You will learn to truly step into your personal and financial power. You will be able to reinvent yourself on command.

Louis has promised to offer you the most comprehensive, practical, and powerful training in the art and craft of storytelling. You’ll get better at some things that you already kind-of understand. You will learn new things that will blow your mind. You’ll become a bigger and better you. And, you will make more money.

Get in on the conversation

You can Time Travel... well kinda. Click on the timestamps below to travel directly to the part of the show you want to enjoy.

[spp-timestamp time="5:52"] Louis's Attitude of Gratitude

[spp-timestamp time="7:12"] Let's get Personal

[spp-timestamp time="13:37"] What was Louis's Biggest Kick in the Gut moment?

[spp-timestamp time="20:32"] Louis's Enough is Enough Pivot Point

Paying it Forward 

[spp-timestamp time="30:34"] Action Steps

[spp-timestamp time="31:53"] Daily Habits that make the biggest impact in Louis's life

[spp-timestamp time="32:38"] Recommended books

[spp-timestamp time="30:55"] What does Living A Life of Abundance mean toLouis Di Bianco?

Aspire: Discovering Your Purpose Through the Power of WordsBold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the WorldThe ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

[spp-timestamp time="36:05"] Parting piece of guidance

Connect with Louis Di...

Louis Di Bianco is not a gangster, but he did play one on TV. Actually he played the role since he was a young man running the streets in the Bronx, of New York. His many experiences has taken Louis on a life journey most only dream of. Well, there were a few nightmares in his life as well. Louis is very open with us about his biggest Kick in the Gut moment and how he recovered.

[spp-tweet tweet="You can pick the story that empowers you, or the story that disempowers you"]

I’m Louis Di Bianco, a guy from Bronx, N.Y. The Bronx is a huge story by itself. I’m glad I grew up there because it gave me material for a lifetime of great stories. And, it gave me everything I needed to launch my successful acting career. More on that later. Let’s not get ahead of the story.

Louis created Change Your Story, Change Your Life for you. Come here to learn how to tap into and harness your storytelling power to enrich your personal and business growth.

Listen to the podcast. The people he interviews offer golden insights that help you break through limiting beliefs. You will learn to truly step into your personal and financial power. You will be able to reinvent yourself on command.

Louis has promised to offer you the most comprehensive, practical, and powerful training in the art and craft of storytelling. You’ll get better at some things that you already kind-of understand. You will learn new things that will blow your mind. You’ll become a bigger and better you. And, you will make more money.

Get in on the conversation

You can Time Travel... well kinda. Click on the timestamps below to travel directly to the part of the show you want to enjoy.

[spp-timestamp time="5:52"] Louis's Attitude of Gratitude

[spp-timestamp time="7:12"] Let's get Personal

[spp-timestamp time="13:37"] What was Louis's Biggest Kick in the Gut moment?

[spp-timestamp time="20:32"] Louis's Enough is Enough Pivot Point

Paying it Forward 

[spp-timestamp time="30:34"] Action Steps

[spp-timestamp time="31:53"] Daily Habits that make the biggest impact in Louis's life

[spp-timestamp time="32:38"] Recommended books

[spp-timestamp time="30:55"] What does Living A Life of Abundance mean toLouis Di Bianco?

Aspire: Discovering Your Purpose Through the Power of WordsBold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the WorldThe ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

[spp-timestamp time="36:05"] Parting piece of guidance

Connect with Louis Di Bianco

Podcast - Change Your Story, Change Your Life[email protected]
Sponsors and Affiliates (Helping me keep the mic on.)

Interview Valet - Grow your business talking directly to your ideal customer. 

Executives, entrepreneurs, & thought leaders everywhere are learning how to reach tens of thousands of targeted interested individuals who are passionate about your area of expertise. Connecting with them through Interview Valet’s concierge-level podcast guest booking service is easy and effective with startlingly immediate results. We have perfected the formula for maximizing the impact of your expertise on your industry through podcasting. This video explains it much better than I can.

Podcast Websites - Your All-in-One solution for your podcast and podcast website.

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