Abundant Leaders, we are all set to take Men of Abundance to an even higher level. And you're coming along for the ride. You will directly benefit from this 100 day push. In cast you did not know already, I'm Obsessed with make make Men of Abundance a huge success. Like Grant Cardone says "Be Obsessed or Be Average" #BOBA. I'm not average by any means. I'm an Abundant Leader. And I know you want to be Abundant in everything you do in life as well. You can start by sharing this episode and all others with everyone one you know and don't know, yet.

Together, Men of Abundance will get 1 Million Downloads in the next 100 days.

Book of the Month

The book I'm devouring and studying month is Be Obsessed or Be Average by Grant Cardone.







Also mentioned in the this show, The Freedom Journal | Accomplish your 1 goal in 100-days by John Lee Dumas

Sponsors and Affiliates (Helping me keep the mic on.)

Interview Valet - Grow your business talking directly to your ideal customer. 

Executives, entrepreneurs, & thought leaders everywhere are learning how to reach tens of thousands of targeted interested individuals who are passionate about your area of expertise. Connecting with them through Interview Valet’s concierge-level podcast guest booking service is easy and effective with startlingly immediate results. We have perfected the formula for maximizing the impact of your expertise on your industry through podcasting. This video explains it much better than I can.

Podcast Websites - Your All-in-One solution for your podcast and podcast website.

You want to provide an amazing experience for your audience, right?. While you love learning new things and techniques, you also know how important it is to FOCUS on what you're good at, talking to your guests and audience. That's why you need Podcast Websites in you corner to help you build an incredible podcast website experience for your visitors and make it easier on you. This is one of the best decisions I've made on this journey so far. I know it will be for you as well.

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