Happy Holidays!

The Holiday Season is among us friends & if you're on a nutrition journey and you've finally got into the swing of things, you're building routines, you're seeing progress, you're even noticing your clothes fitting looser. but with Thanksgiving fast approaching, you're anxiety levels may be through the roof right now, because you're wondering HOW you're going to maintain all the hard work you've done.

If you're also wondering whether you should you cut out the carbs, JUST for the holidays, or maybe give up on all your hard work together and just eat everything you want no matter if you put weight on or not.

I can see your dilemma, and I got you. Today's episode is also accompanied with a FREE holidays guide, that you can download here:

The Holidays don't have to be overwhelming or leave you in a panic worried about how you're going to continue your progress or whether or not you should reduce your calories more just so you won't gain weight over the holidays.

I tell exactly how in today's episode

Don't forget to share, a leave a review if this episode helped you at all.

Get in touch with me here:

Website: https://vanutritioncoaching.co.uk/work-with-me


Facebook: @vanutritioncoaching

Holiday Guide: https://vanutritioncoaching.co.uk/holiday-guide