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Is there a diet that's right for you?

Ever tried to find THE diet that works for you on the Internet?

There are literally billions of search results, leaving you even more confused than you were before? You go to social media instead to search for "lose fat fast" hashtags, only to be met with useless weight-loss advice like "cut carbs at 6pm if you want to lose weight."

If you're desperate for anything to work, you'll take any advice and follow it to the letter. You'll also stop eating carbs after 6pm because your favourite influencer said so. Let's hold the phone, friends.

Let's take a deep breath (literally)

Think about this.

If you've taken this advice before, can you remember what happened?

Did it work out?

I'm guessing not really if you're here.

Helping you is the reason I do what I do.

I used to be in your shoes a long time ago. My problem was fast food for 20 years, hating the way I looked in the mirror, wearing clothes that were too big because I didn't want to look fat. It's almost impossible to walk into a room without feeling like you're going to stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone's going to be watching or worse, talking about you.

"You saw her outfit, didn't you?"

"She's put on so much weight..."

"Does she think he'll go for her over me?"

I'm sorry to say, but all that stuff happened anyway.

Feel free to tell me if you can relate.

As you stand in the room, you wish the ground would swallow you up, crushed and humiliated, and just wanting whatever it is to be over already. You can't think of anything else but comfort foods.

At last, you're reunited, and uncontrollably you feast on all the foods you can find in the hope of eradicating all the humiliations and rejections of the day. For a split second, you succeed, but after the euphoria wears off, you gain weight again. You end up even heavier than before. The cycle begins all over again, and it seems impossible to break the cycle, so you constantly return to your old habits, never really reaching your desired destination... Until now This is what matters most.

This episode will teach you how to get different results by doing things differently.

You're here.


Tuning in today. That is something to be celebrated.

We'll talk about these in-depth in the 1:1 coaching program. You can sign up here.

In this episode, you will learn:

What is the right diet for you? Is there a right diet for anyone? What exactly IS a diet? How to stop dieting & start living your life confidently

To get the most from your nutrition, fitness, and mindset, check out toda

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