Even the best strategies can be rendered useless if they aren't clear to your employees.

One of the main reasons we attend meetings is to make sure everyone understands how their objectives will impact the organization's overall vision. This idea applies to companies in a sense of how to stay ahead of the competition, but also to family meetings, where everyone may have different ideas on how to move forward. 

In MLP #041, we discuss the reasons why all types of meetings should connect to an overarching strategy. After listening, you should have a better understanding about:

Aligning meeting objectives to you company or family's strategic vision How clear goals can make meetings much more effective How keeping strategy in focus affects customer outcomes

Following the tips presented in this podcast should help you establish a more focused approach to meetings, where all involved are considering how the gathering connects with strategy.

For more information or to see a transcript of MLP 041, visit: https://meetingleadershipinc.com/41